Restoring peatlands, conserving traditions
Photovoices was brought in as a community engagement partner during the planning phase of the Katingan Peatland Restoration and Conservation Project (Katingan Project).
The Katingan project is aimed at restoring and conserving 203,570 hectares of peat swamp forest through a reduction of emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD+) in Central Kalimantan.
Engaging meaningfully with communities is a critical component of REDD+ projects. The PVI methodology provided a platform for communities to share their perspectives and inform the planning process.
Villages in Katingan district participated in the project
villagers took part behind the camera
photographs and accompanying stories were produced
photo stories were exhibited
Peatland conservation
Indigenous Culture and Daily Life
Economic needs and livelihood development
Rural education
Public health (including clean water, sanitation)
The Photovoices Katingan Project played an essential role in the design and implementation of a large ecosystem restoration project in Central Kalimantan. By using visual evidence and storytelling, the community conveyed their perspectives on natural resource usage, community livelihoods, education, and health.
The photos and stories provided scientists, government, NGOs and, private sector partners working to conserve and restore large areas of tropical peat critical to preventing global climate change with information crucial to the success of the project.
Communities in Katingan contributed to and now benefit from the establishment of the largest REDD+ project in the world.
The Katingan regent enthusiastically supported the findings of the project and requested a follow-up project to document issues concerning the communities living further upstream of the Katingan river basin and suggested that Photovoices methodology is an effective model for use in the Musrembang process.
PVI Katingan project is the first time Photovoices has applied its community engagement methodology to a REDD+ project, providing a way for scientists, government officials, NGOs and others to:
Hear villagers’ unfiltered opinion and learn from their expertise;
Design REDD+ strategies to protect the environment that include local knowledge and perspectives
Understand and address community needs like clean drinking water, better education, alternative livelihoods and women’s health
Build sustainable partnerships with local people based on mutual understanding and respect